Ultimate Guide to CBD Edibles
Whether it is in the form of an edible, e-juice, or taken topically as a lotion, CBD can be administered in many different ways. Also known as Cannabidiol, CBD is a cannabinoid that is extracted from the industrial hemp plant. CBD edibles are often associated with a mood and energy uplift, and the popularity and rise of CBD continues to grow, with more and more people enjoying its benefits.
There are also several different options that are available for administering CBD edibles. One of these ways is as Baked Goods, and treats such as brownies and cookies can take your CBD experience to whole new level. Taking CBD in the form of CBD gummies is also one of the best ways of enjoying CBD edibles. Plenty of CBD gummies flavours are available, and some will be reminiscent of the candy that you all grew up enjoying.
CBD edibles also come in the form of CBD Oils, where users can put a few drops sublingually into their mouth and consume them orally. Others can also be in the form of a cooking oil, which people can then use for cooking, either sweet dishes or savoury. Capsules are another great route to consider if you have some sort of issue (e.g. perhaps with the flavour) of other CBD edibles. CBD capsules intake occurs in the same fashion as with other vitamins and supplements. Just take the capsule orally and then wait for the effects!

Choosing the right CBD product or Edible?
Finding the right CBD edible is all about individual needs and preferences, and it is up to the users to decide how quickly they would want the effects of their edibles to manifest. For example, CBD taken in an edible form can take longer to kick in because it depends on the kind of food you have ingested and your digestion also, but its effects will generally be quicker when it is taken as a capsule. It is up to you as well to determine whether you want something with fewer calories or prefer a sugary option such as cookies and gummies.
Another thing to consider when shopping for CBD is that the dosages of some edibles are higher than others. General advice for people who are taking CBD edibles would be that beginners should start with a low dosage to assess how their bodies will react to it, and then increase the dosage slowly as you monitor your body’s response. Take the time to research the oil or edible that you buy and remember to confirm its potency and purity levels also. Remember also to give your CBD some extra time to work if you are consuming it after having a heavy meal for example.
CBD lotions, Salve, and Cream are other options for taking CBD. You can apply Salve and Cream on a swollen or injured body part for example. This is a viable alternative to utilizing CBD in edibles or capsules, or vaping, and can still bear fruit when applied as stipulated. Researching the available CBD products and which option may work best for you can enable you to make the right decision for whatever CBD product or edible you choose.
How do CBD Edibles work?
You first have to understand the endocannabinoid system in the human body to know how the effects of CBD edibles work. Also known as the ECS, the endocannabinoid system is a biological system within the human body, and it comprises of lipid-based neurotransmitters. Its role is to bind to the receptors of cannabinoids that are scattered throughout the central nervous system. The endocannabinoid system produces cannabinoids to regulate different aspects of the nervous system.
Cannabinoids occur in our bodies naturally, but boosting our organs with an external cannabinoid from CBD edibles can increase the positive effects within the endocannabinoid system, as the role of the endocannabinoid system isn’t only to respond to internal cannabinoids, but the external cannabinoids as well. Science and different studies back up the benefits of CBD edibles, and it is one of nature’s few available natural remedies.
The Benefits of Consuming CBD Edibles
CBD edibles have several benefits over CBD containing topical lotions or CBD inhaled with vape pens. It can take a while for CBD edibles to take effect, but the results will last longer than vaping or smoking. CBD edibles can combine the active compounds of cannabinoids with other foodstuffs for better results, and the digestive system releases CBD more slowly as digestion takes place. The results might take longer to manifest, but they are also usually longer-lasting.
Of course, CBD is a compound of the cannabis sativa plant, but many people are surprised to find out that its psychotropic effects aren’t nearly as high as THC. Instead, it offers users a sense of slightly alerted energy and a very mellow mood uplift. It is an excellent option for anyone who would want to enjoy the effects of cannabis but without any potentially unwanted side effects.
Some people like to make hemp infused cannabutter or cooking oils for example (we show you how to do this in another of our newsletters), and CBD edibles such as brownies or cookies can be quite easy to make from these simple base ingredients. These days you can also add high CBD containing hemp extracts to baked or cooked foods for an extra high CBD boost! CBD edibles are also very easy to dose and give the user more control over the amount of CBD that they take.
Some forms of taking CBD are impractical or cumbersome as well. You could be using a large vape pen, and pulling it out in public may perhaps not be convenient. In these cases it may be better to consider bringing some CBD capsule’s or gummy’s instead!
Laboratory Testing
Third party laboratories analyze all of our hemp for cannabinoid potency, heavy metals, bacterial / microbial life, mycotoxins, and pesticides. All oils, extracts and isolate will have been tested for potency, heavy metals, and pesticides. Certificates of Analysis (COA’s) for individual products are also available to be viewed and can be found here.
The fact remains that everyone is in a different place and will react differently to CBD. A serving size or dosage of CBD will differ for each person. It is best to start small and then gradually increase until you experience the desired result. However, it is now generally recommended that a healthy adult should not exceed a maximum dosage of 10mg per day on average.
Always consult a doctor before using any new supplement. Not suitable for pregnant or lactating women. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Our newsletters are intended to provide the reader with general information only regarding CBD that is already available in the public domain.
Many thanks to Rocky Macrory, and the rest of the team at CBDLifemag.com for their contribution to this Article. Thank you.